First, get your auth token from CoinGate

Your Access Token will be in the following format: 8vzddvbtP9TiLsDFePPRqPy23d2e4sAGfzzvZiAA

Next, set up your CoinGate Billing Integration in Heroic

  • Click on Settings and then CoinGate Billing
  • Click on the Add New CoinGate Billing button
  • Paste your access token into the Auth token field
  • Click the Check Auth token button

Once validated, you'll be presented with more options in order to complete setup of your CoinGate Integration.

  • Enter a name and description for your integration (this is for internal use only, to help you identify it later)
  • Choose a currency from the Currency field
  • Enter a purchase amount into the Amount field
  • Click the Save Changes button

Connect you button with your CoinGate Integration

  • Find the button that should launch the CoinGate Payment Form, and click the icon
  • From the Choose Button Action field, choose CoinGate Billing
  • Choose the newly created integration from the CoinGate Billing field
  • Choose (or enter) the destination page you want to take people to once the transaction is processed
  • Click the green checkmark icon to save your updates

You don't have a CoinGate account yet? Create one here, it's free.